A two Hour drive south brought us to the capitol of Bellmopan and the thriving outdoor market. Fortified by lunch and a cold drink, we continued south on the Hummingbird Highway towards the coast. Spectacular jungle scenery, hot and moist and huge trees, winding paved narrow roads with tons of pot holes and speed bumps to slow you down near the villages. So rich and abundant and fresh green, and clean Maya thatch roofed homes along the road. Dangriga awaited our arrival, dirty, busy and very basic rustic lodging on the stirred up weedy looking ocean.

We walked through the two main streets of town at night, glad to get back to our upstairs accommodation with the sounds of drinking and dogs below. Our rendezvous for our boat departure to Glover's was held up a few hours, so we toured and circled Dangriga many times in the air conditioned van before heading south to the boat launch and waiting again for the late flight arrivals to join us. The boat was a hour and a half bumpy journey to Isla Marisol on Glover's Atoll.
How sweet to disembark and see clear turquoise waters, palm trees and natural beauty. We were overjoyed at our tiny cabins over the ocean, the rusty screen door and the ceiling fans to move the hot air! 
This will be our happy home for the coming week of Caribbean ocean adventure.
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