Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Here in Belize,February 15,2012

Feeling like a stanger in a strange land, we negotiate for our first car rental after flying all night from Vancouver, through San Fransisco, then Houston and finally Belize City International. Our car looks like we are Mafiaosa, big black shaded windows. Did I mention that the grill and front bumper were mysteriously missing? As we drove off I find out my window will not go down so we return and report that on the rental agreement. It is written up as a prostetic defect and "Mikes Rentals out of Dangriga" will deduct $100 for our inconvienience and replace the car on Feburary 25.

We amused ourselves at a road side food stand in Ladyville as we waited for John and Carol to land later in the afternoon. We headed north through flat coastal northern highway and found the turnoff to Crooked Tree just before dark. We were glad to unload and eat "in", and have a clean pleasant room to unwind and acclimatize from.